Anxiety Checklist – Anxiety Symptoms and Warning Signs
Anxiety Checklist
- Do you feel that you worry excessively about many things?
- Do you experience sensations of shortness of breath, palpitations, or shaking while at rest?
- Do you have fear of losing control of yourself or going crazy?
- Do you avoid situations because of feelings of fear?
- Do you have specific fears of objects, e.g. animals or knives?
- Do you feel that you will be in a place or situation from which you feel that you will not be able to escape?
- Does the idea of leaving home frighten you?
- Do you have recurrent thoughts or images in your head that refuse to go away?
- Do you feel compelled to perform certain behaviors repeatedly, e.g. checking that you have locked the doors or turned off the gas?
- Do you persistently relive an upsetting event from the past?
Many things can trigger Anxiety. Changes in life such as; job loss, transitions, death of a loved one, and divorce, are some examples of situational causes. Other triggers can be biological causes such as; hormone changes (puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, menopause, etc.), or reactions to illness and injury. Some people experience both situational and biological issues.
The brain consists of a giant messaging system of neurons that send messages to the body using brain chemicals call neurotransmitters. These brain chemicals (e.g. serotonin, norepenephrine, and dopamine) are responsible for our emotional state.
Anxiety can occur when these messages are not delivered correctly between brain cells, disrupting communication.
The good news is that there are many forms of treatment scientifically proven to help you cope:
- Individual counseling/therapy
- Biofeedback/Relaxation techniques/EMDR
- Medication
- Self help groups
- Exercise and nutrition
Please call us if you have any questions about our services: (763) 544-1006. Your privacy is respected.

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