Retired: Sullivan P. VanHauer aka “Sully”

After almost 7 years of excited greetings and therapy couch naps, due to some mobility difficulties, Sully has decided to retire from the therapy business. He has enjoyed his time welcoming clients, warming peoples laps, bringing laughter and occasionally sharing lunch with his co-workers. He may have been DH&A’s first therapy dog but he isn’t the only four legged co-therapist anymore. He knows his fellow doggie therapists will keep doing a Paw-some job without him. Thank you for the years of love. It’s been the best job a Golden could ask for.
Love, Sully and Kristina

Sully is a trained therapy dog who has been working at David Hoy and Associates for three years. He completed his “internship” with the agency and decided to stay on full time once he became certified. He provides support, laughter, love and a warm weight for the laps of clients and his colleagues. He enjoys working with his co-therapist (Kristina Boylan VanHauer) and their clients, visiting with people in the reception area, hanging out with the agency’s intern team and having lunch with the staff. He is an avid swimmer and ball fetcher. He enjoys cookies, eating ice, snuggling on the couch and chasing his kitty.
